Who is Haruyo san?

I'm Haruyo.
I hope that we can have great time
with great kimono.
Hers Kimono Story

Haruyo is a specialist of kimono.
She has enjoying kimono life for about 50 years.
The firs time that she started to wear it, she was 10yeaers old.
Hers mother prepared it.
Then, when she was 26 years old, she started to run hers kimono class.
And 2 years ago, she created word of "Kimono Advisor".
The word is used by many people still now.

"Kimono" is a hers spirit.
Haruyo is a pioneer in developing women's careers through kimono.
Before, lot of Japanese women learn kimono, tea ceremony.
These brushed up hers personality and sometime these are training for bride.
But she made changing kimono to business wear.
She said that "Sometimes I remember that when I went to client office with my kimono team contained with 20-30 people who wear kimono. That time, the client was so surprised and he was backing away. "
If you wear kimono, you will feel your spine stretch.
If you wear kimono, you will feel "I am standing now."
Kimono makes you strong.

さあ、着物を一緒に 楽しもう。
Let's enjoy kimono together.